Our School
We strive to provide the best learning experience at Forest Park School.
Our Staff
Click on one of our staff members to learn more!
Samantha Corner
Lesley Atkinson
Amanda Shoulder
Sam Hutchinson
Lead Teacher
Laurie Brown
Teaching Assistant
Emily Russell
Teaching Assistant
Eleanor Layton
Lead Teacher
Linda Outhwaite
School Business Manager
Caroline Wilkinson
Lead Teacher
Chris Kerr
PE Teacher/Teaching Assistant
Dawn Hindmarch
Whole School Wellbeing
Jessica Thornton
Lead Teacher
What can we offer?
Every young person deserves the opportunity to reach their potential.
SEND Audit
SEND Audit and review service. Teeacher Training. Working with trusts to improve mainstream provision for SEND.
Year 4, 5, 6 provision. Pre EHCP? Working through diagnosis and application, supporting children and families.
Secondary SEND
11-16 Secondary SEND. ASD, CL primary need. Wrap around therapeutic support and extended school offer.
Vocational Pathway
Post 16 provison for EHCP Vocational pathway Apprenticeships for SEND.
Educational Testing
Educational testing and reporting service. First stage EP reporting. Dyslexia and dyscalculia testing. Thrive, OT, Pyschotherapy, counselling, Family support.
Every young person deserves the opportunity to reach their potential; our core values focus on those skills young people need to be successful in life.
Reaching Potential
Trusting relationships create safe environments in which to thrive. Through challenge-both physical and academic we build resilience. Young people are able to engage in experiences that give them enjoyment and feel success.
Our School
How can we help your child at Forest Park School?
30 Place Secondary School
Forest Park School will be a 30 place Secondary school for young people with a primary need of ASD.
Class Sizes of 6
Class sizes of 6 with a staff ratio of 1 teacher and 2 Specialist Teaching assistants will provide our students with the support to thrive in the classroom environment.
Secondary Curriculum
We will offer a broad and balanced secondary curriculum that offers challenge, yet also meets the needs of individuals.
Dual Pathway
Our dual pathway will enable students to, where appropriate, follow a 1-9 curriculum as well as providing a more skills based pathway for those learners who require it.
Required Qualifications
All of our students will leave with qualifications in English, Maths, Science, Food, COPE and Employability and the essential skills for a healthy and successful life.
Specialist Subjects
The curriculum will be delivered through a part primary model at the core, enabling students to also experience specialist subjects in other parts of the school.
Using Thrive and PACE
Our teaching and learning is therapeutically informed. Using PACE and Thrive to underpin our pedagogy.
Extra Curricular Activities
Our extended school provision enables our students to experience extra curricular activities that they may otherwise find difficult to access.